A man uses cooking oil to fry Mandazi, a type of fried bread, on a street in the low-income Kibera neighborhood of Nairobi, Kenya, Wednesday, April 20, 2022. Global cooking oil prices have been rising since the COVID-19 pandemic began and Russia’s war in Ukraine has sent costs spiralling.
ISTANBUL (AP) — For months, Istanbul restaurant Tarihi Balikca tried to absorb the surging cost of the sunflower oil its cooks use to fry fish, squid and mussels.
But in early April, with oil prices nearly four times higher than they were in 2019, the restaurant finally raised its prices. Now, even some longtime customers look at the menu and walk away.
“We resisted. We said, ‘Let’s wait a bit, maybe the market will improve, maybe (prices) will stabilize. But we saw that there is no improvement,” said Mahsun Aktas, a waiter and cook at the restaurant. “The customer cannot afford it.”
Global cooking oil prices have been rising since the COVID-19 pandemic began for multiple reasons, from poor harvests in South America to virus-related labor shortages and steadily increasing demand from the biofuel industry. The war in Ukraine — which supplies nearly half of the world’s sunflower oil, on top of the 25% from Russia — has interrupted shipments and sent cooking oil prices spiraling.
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It is the latest fallout to the global food supply from Russia’s war, and another rising cost pinching households and businesses as inflation soars. The conflict has further fueled already high food and energy costs, hitting the poorest people hardest.

Various kinds of edible food oils on display along with a note to customers that they may only take 3 of theses items in a supermarket in London, Saturday, April 23, 2022.
The food supply is particularly at risk as the war has disrupted crucial grain shipments from Ukraine and Russia and worsened a global fertilizer crunch that will mean costlier, less abundant food. The loss of affordable supplies of wheat, barley and other grains raises the prospect of food shortages and political instability in Middle Eastern, African and some Asian countries where millions rely on subsidized bread and cheap noodles.
Vegetable oil prices hit a record high in February, then increased another 23% in March, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization. Soybean oil, which sold for $765 per metric ton in 2019, was averaging $1,957 per metric ton in March, the World Bank said. Palm oil prices were up 200% and are set to go even higher after Indonesia, one of the world’s top producers, bans cooking oil exports starting Thursday to protect domestic supply.
Some supermarkets in Turkey have imposed limits on the amount of vegetable oil households can purchase after concerns about shortages sparked panic-buying. Some stores in Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom also have set limits. German shoppers are posting photos on social media of empty shelves where sunflower and canola oil usually sit. In a recent tweet, Kenya’s main power company warned that thieves are draining toxic fluid from electrical transformers and reselling it as cooking oil.

A worker fries seafood in a little local fish restaurant in Besiktas neighborhood in Istanbul, Turkey, Tuesday, April 19, 2022.
“We will just have to boil everything now, the days of the frying pan are gone,” said Glaudina Nyoni, scanning prices in a supermarket in Harare, Zimbabwe, where vegetable oil costs have almost doubled since the outbreak of the war. A 2-liter bottle now costs up to $9.
Emiwati, who runs a food stall in Jakarta, Indonesia, said she needs 24 liters of cooking oil each day. She makes nasi kapau, traditional mixed rice that she serves with dishes like deep-fried spiced beef jerky. Since January, she’s had trouble ensuring that supply, and what she does buy is much more expensive. Profits are down, but she fears losing customers if she raises prices.
“I am sad,” said Emiwati, who only uses one name. “We accept the price of cooking oil increasing, but we cannot increase the price of the foods we sell.”
The high cost of cooking oil is partly behind recent protests in Jakarta. Indonesia has imposed price caps on palm oil at home and will ban exports, creating a new squeeze worldwide. Palm oil has been sought as an alternative for sunflower oil and is used in many products, from cookies to cosmetics.
The Associated Press has documented human rights abuses in an industry whose environmental effects have been decried for years.
Across the world in London, Yawar Khan, who owns Akash Tandoori restaurant, said a 20-liter drum of cooking oil cost him 22 pounds ($28) a few months ago; it’s now 38 pounds ($49).
“We cannot pass all the price (rises) to the consumer, that will cause a catastrophe, too,” said Khan, who also struggles with rising costs for meat, spices, energy and labor.
Big companies are feeling the pain, too. London-based Unilever — maker of Dove soap and Hellmann’s mayonnaise — said it has contracts for critical ingredients like palm oil for the first half of the year. But it warned investors that its costs could rise significantly in the second half.
Cargill, a global food giant that makes vegetable oils, said its customers are changing formulas and experimenting with different kinds of oils at a higher rate than usual. That can be tricky because oils have different properties; olive oil burns at a lower temperature than sunflower oil, for example, while palm oil is more viscous.

A woman fries potatoes in the low-income Kibera neighborhood of Nairobi, Kenya, Tuesday, April 19, 2022.
Prices could moderate by this fall, when farmers in the Northern Hemisphere harvest corn, soybeans and other crops, said Joseph Glauber, a senior research fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute. But there’s always the danger of bad weather. Last year, drought pummeled Canada’s canola crop and Brazil’s soybean crop, while heavy rains affected palm oil production in Malaysia.
Farmers may be hesitant to plant enough crops to make up for shortfalls from Ukraine or Russia because they don’t know when the war might end, said Steve Mathews, co-head of research at Gro Intelligence, an agriculture data and analytics company.
“If there were a cease-fire or something like that, we would see prices decline in the short run for sure,” he said.
Longer term, the crisis may lead countries to reconsider biofuel mandates, which dictate the amount of vegetable oils that must be blended with fuel in a bid to reduce emissions and energy imports. In the U.S., for example, 42% of soybean oil goes toward biofuel production, Glauber said. Indonesia recently delayed a plan to require 40% palm oil-based biodiesel, while the European Commission said it would support member states that choose to reduce their biofuel mandates.
In the meantime, consumers and businesses are struggling.
Harry Niazi, who owns The Famous Olley’s Fish Experience in London, says he used to pay around 22 pounds ($29) for a 20-liter jug of sunflower oil; the cost recently jumped to 42.50 pounds ($55). Niazi goes through as many as eight jugs per week.

Harry Niazi carries a container of sunflower oil out of storage at Olleys Fish Experience in Herne Hill in London, Thursday, April 21, 2022.
But what worries him even more than rising prices is the thought of running out of sunflower oil altogether. He’s thinking of selling his truck and using the cash to stock up on oil.
“It’s very, very scary, and I don’t know how the fish and chips industry is going to cope. I really don’t,” he said.
So far, Niazi has held off on raising prices because he doesn’t want to lose customers.
At Jordan’s Grab n’ Go, a small restaurant in Dyersburg, Tennessee, known for its fried cheeseburgers, owner Christine Coronado also agonized about price increases. But with costs up 20% across the board — and cooking oil prices nearly tripling since she opened in 2018 — she finally hiked prices in April.
“You hate to raise prices on people, but it’s just that costs are so much higher than they were a couple of years ago,” she said.
How supply chain issues are crushing hotels — and your stay

Most of Patel’s properties are franchises of larger brands and require conforming to brand standards. Patel typically orders items from an approved vendor, which previously took about 48 hours to arrive.
“Now, it can take months,” he says. “You’re lucky to get it within three weeks.”
Towels are typically reordered every other month, as they get discolored after enough use (and some just disappear). Yet, bulky items like these are tough to stockpile, since most hotels have limited storage space.
“We’ll have a family of four use all the towels in the morning, and then ask for a second set in the evening,” he says. “Sometimes we just don’t have enough.”
Amid the coffee cup shortage, Patel had to send an employee to Costco to buy whatever cups they could find. “With basic necessities, it’s hard to tell a customer, ‘We don’t have that,’ so sometimes you just have to make it work,” he says.

The entire nation is witnessing inflation — and hotels are no different.
Hotels reported a 79% cost increase on day-to-day cleaning and housekeeping supplies, a 77% increase for linens and other soft goods, and a 77% increase in food and beverage supplies, according to a November 2021 survey of about 500 hotel operators conducted by the American Hotel & Lodging Association.

In a separate AHLA survey from October 2021, 94% of respondents said their hotels are understaffed (including 47% who say they are severely understaffed). Additionally, 96% of hotel operators said they are trying to hire, yet are struggling to fill open positions.
And for an already overworked hotel employee, dealing with a customer upset about their undersize coffee cup can be extra challenging.

The coffee chaos was small beans for Patel’s business, which operates in Louisiana. Nearly half of his properties are closed due to flooding and roof damage in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida. He says local home improvement stores are out of materials, and construction workers are tough to hire.
While the hurricane brought extra challenges for Louisiana businesses, hotels nationwide are experiencing construction-related issues. In the first year of the pandemic, many hotels put off planned renovations.
Now, it might be too late to renovate without going over budget. Construction material costs jumped nearly 20% in 2021, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America. In a separate AGC survey from winter 2021, 90% of contractors attributed such issues to the supply chain, and 72% said projects take longer than anticipated because of COVID-19.

Travelers are returning, but labor and materials still haven’t — and the outlook isn’t exactly promising. Of the AHLA survey respondents, 36% said they expect supply chain disruptions to last at least another year.
For travelers, that means anticipated renovations might not have even started. It means you might not have the exact amenities you’re used to — and that sometimes, the amenities you expected will not be available, period. Patel says he hopes customers will understand the challenges that the hotel industry faces.
“We’re not cutting corners because we’re trying to nickel and dime,” he says. “It’s simply the situation we’re in.”
And just as a hotel likely wants you to feel like you’re at home, Patel says he hopes people realize the supply chain shortages felt at home are hitting his industry too.
“Whether it’s finding groceries or a roof for your own home — they’re the same challenges that businesses are facing, but 10 times,” he says.
Chan reported from London. AP journalists Edna Tarigan and Fadlan Syam in Jakarta, Indonesia; Farai Mutsaka in Harare, Zimbabwe; Suzan Fraser in Ankara, Turkey; Mehmet Guzel in Istanbul; Anne D’Innocenzio in New York; and Sebabatso Mosamo and Mogomotsi Magome in Johannesburg contributed.