Farmers tapping into the growing demand for organic food

Dalton Farms in Huron County grows the standard way on half its land. On other fields, it’s organic with manure. The yield isn’t as good, but there’s genuine demand.

HURON COUNTY, Ohio — As we are all trying to eat healthier, there’s a growing demand for organic products on the table.

In Huron County, Dalton Farms has started planting organic crops on half its 2000 acres of land. The farm grows soybeans and corn the standard way, with commercial fertilizer and weed control; but on the other fields, the Daltons only use manure with no weed control at all.

The yield isn’t as good, but there’s genuine demand. The organic beans and corn are then sold to markets to feed animals like steers and hogs for food production.

Edward Dalton, a seventh-generation farmer, has been farming some organic crops the last five years.

“Many people want stuff grown organically and we figure as farmers, it’s our job to grow what people want. That’s what led us to it,” Dalton said. “The U.S. imports more than half the grain used in this country and that told us there’s a market for it. People want it.”

Dalton Farms also typically has around 400 head of cattle on the farm. Edward’s wife, Rebecca, runs their small country store called the Meat Barn.

“It’s coming from our farm directly to the butcher, which is a local butcher, so you’re also supporting that business,” Rebecca said. “It’s being cut, processed and froze instantly and brought back to the farm and sold to the customer. We are stocking out shelves weekly, so meat is as fresh as you’re gonna get.”

The Meat Barn is open two days a week, Wednesday from 2 – 6 p.m. and Sunday from noon – 3 p.m, and sells a variety of local produce in addition to meat.

The farm’s located at 5073 Butler Rd. in Wakeman, Ohio, and more information is available on its website at this link.